The Goodway Life: Cultivate Your Career Growth

Andrew Sklerov headshot for career growth article

What’s it really like to work at Goodway Group?

Q&A with Andrew Sklerov

Andrew Sklerov, our New York City-based Account Director, shares a few career growth tips and secrets from his amazing rise to the top.

Everyone loves to talk about themselves! Give us your career story . . . in a tweet.

From print space in Yellowbook (yes, people still used the yellow pages in 2003) to digital solutions at Ziplocal, I’ve always had a knack for ad sales!

When friends and family ask what you do all day, how do you explain it?

I typically say that I am in digital advertising and marketing and my job is helping agencies and clients find the best way to reach their audience online.

If you had to describe what you do as a superpower, what would it be?

I keep clients happy. Always. What’s your superpower?

What has been your greatest accomplishment or Career growth opportunity at Goodway Group?

Every year at Goodway, I have grown the business I am responsible for and continually brought in new clients. In year one, I sold approximately $1MM, and by year five, I had sold over $11MM. From starting off with no book of business to now having one of the largest at the company has been one of my greatest career growth accomplishments. But going from someone who was asking for advice to one who is typically giving advice has also been a cool turn of events!

Why do you care about what we do at Goodway?

I love the programmatic space. Goodway has been in programmatic since the very beginning, and having been on the forefront of this space for the past five years has been a tremendous experience and career growth opportunity for me! When I speak to most people, they know very little about how digital advertising really works or how we target audiences. Because I am constantly learning at Goodway, I truly know our industry at a very deep level and have a greater appreciation for what it is we do.

What do you love about Goodway Group?

Since I began, it has been like working for a family. The hands-on nature of Dave Wolk (Goodway’s President) has been key in helping to foster the amazing culture at Goodway. Being able to work with people who are focused on solving problems and doing what is right for the client enables all of us to do our best work and enjoy what we do. Rarely, have I worked somewhere with such a positive attitude and can-do culture, but at Goodway that is how we live every day.

If you’re working from home, how are you not tempted to watch Netflix all day?

I am so used to working virtually that I am not really sure what it is like to work at an office anymore. Of course, it was a learning curve at first — making sure my wife didn’t scream for me while I was on conference calls or dodging all the usual jokes from my family about how I don’t actually work. However, once I got into the routine, it was quite easy to sit down and focus on my work. I am actually more productive in a virtual environment because I don’t have all the same water-cooler-type distractions an office environment has. Now, I’m able to drop my son off at daycare and pick him up; just being able to spend time with my kids rather than rushing out the door for a one-hour commute to an office is priceless!  And to be honest, I don’t even have a Netflix account. With two little kids, I barely even watch TV.

If we stopped by your house next Saturday, what would we find you doing?

Enjoying quality family time — spending time with my 6 month old, my 2½ year old and my wife. The Goodway Life Series The Goodway Life: Make Work from Home Actually Work for a Family The Goodway Life: Be Challenged to Keep Learning Every Day The Goodway Life: Explore the Realities of Remote Work