Jay Friedman Talks Trust in Digital Advertising at DMEXCO 2019 (Video)

Our president Jay Friedman recently spoke to Pixalate, a data platform built to bring transparency to programmatic advertising, about trust in digital advertising at the Digital Marketing Expo & Conference (DMEXCO 2019), Europe’s largest annual digital marketing and advertising trade fair and conference. How does the digital ad industry regain trust? And what policies should you employ to navigate the millions of apps on the app store? When Pixalate posed these two questions to Jay, how did he answer? Watch this short DMEXCO 2019 video interview to find out. Jay talks about the two digital advertising hot topics trust boils down to now. Plus, he shares the three areas of transparency marketers are concerned with today and just how you can bring peace of mind and build confidence. As for navigating those millions of apps? Short answer: Jay says not to worry about it. Watch and learn what he says you should do now instead. The digital advertising industry is unpredictable and always wildly changing. Do you have a grip on how your ads are served? Where they’re running? What you’re paying for? How to even prove your advertising is working? That’s where we come in. We can help. Read our blog for the expert advice and up-to-date industry news you need most. Or we can coach you, give you the ahead-of-the-curve answers to all your pressing digital media questions and the straightforward data-driven digital advertising solutions you’ve been looking for.