Programmatic Audio and Video Planning for a Knockout 2017

programmatic audio and video planning being used by a girl in a gym on her phone Under 90 days into the new year and many retailers are already promoting swimsuit season! With “Get Healthy” listed as the number one resolution in 2017, according to NBC News, fitness centers across the country have been busy with people working toward that beach body. Whether they’re jogging on a treadmill, pumping 200 pounds of iron or stretching in the downward dog pose, chances are they brought some form of digital entertainment to pass the time. According to a survey conducted by Netflix, more than half of users preferred the digital distraction from binge-watching while exercising over lounging on the couch, making this the perfect time of year to shake up your media mix with new marketing solutions. Make programmatic audio and video planning your spring resolution, and don’t miss your chance to connect with these highly engaged consumer groups: Cardio Theater Buffs For cardio addicts who select the treadmill, elliptical or stationary bike as their fitness equipment of choice, a favorite television show will often provide the necessary diversion to make their workout more enjoyable. While most gyms offer television screens attached to cardio machines, the channels may be limited and commercials load too long for viewers to stomach. According to eMarketer, 62% of users turn to digital video for its on-demand capabilities, while 45% of viewers prefer digital video over linear TV due to the reduced number of commercials per episode or video. programmatic audio planning chart from eMarketer No longer at the mercy of cable and broadcast schedules, many people come to the gym with their own personal device — phone or tablet — and stream their favorite videos. It’s this shift to on-demand television that has made digital video advertising a popular choice for advertisers in recent years. With programmatic video, advertisers can utilize first-party and third-party data segments and contextual targeting to identify specific audiences. Additionally, programmatic video planning means you can take advantage of a variety of ad formats and extensive targeting options to broaden the campaign for highly engaged, gym-going viewers. With video CPMs nearly four times that of banners, I know what your next question will be, “How effective is video at actually converting customers?” With video, paying more means getting more. Goodway’s data scientists have found that our video campaigns typically convert just under five times as many prospects as banners alone. Before you start shifting all of your budget into programmatic video planning, consider this: When our clients ran banners in conjunction with video ads, the conversion rate jumped to ten times that of banners alone! Weight-Lifting Rhythms According to a recent Spotify Brand Impact Study, 32 percent of users stream music most often while they are exercising. No matter if they are weight lifting, cross-training or kickboxing, your customers are tuned in to their earbuds for the energy to take their workout to the next level. Although music tastes vary widely, people often crave songs that fit the tone of their workout. With the popularity of streaming music apps through Spotify and Pandora, many have moved away from personal playlists to streaming channels pre-curated with songs trending for their specific activity. Through programmatic audio, advertisers have access to this extremely relevant audience information and can utilize it to target specific users based on the perceived mood. For instance, an auto manufacturer may see strong results from heavy-metal and electronic dance lists that pump adrenaline and excitement into the listener’s veins, whereas a pharmaceutical advertiser may prefer songs with a slower tempo that have a soothing effect and bring awareness to the body and its surroundings. Pavement Pacers We haven’t forgotten about those who turn to music’s motivational powers during outdoor interval training, such as running, cycling or swimming. A recent study commissioned by Spotify found that more than 75 percent of runners rely on music to achieve peak performance. Typically, pop songs that ramp up into high-energy choruses work well to keep listeners moving throughout the entire workout, and repetitive beats can make pacing easier to synchronize movements to the music. In the same way, programmatic audio makes it easier for advertisers to get into an efficient stride more quickly. Advertisers can immediately leverage first-party and third-party data segments as well as target contextually to ensure they are hitting the ideal audience in the right environment. Then as the campaign ramps up, advertisers can see how their ads are performing in real time, giving them the opportunity to adjust for even better performance in their programmatic audio and video planning. Need more? There were over 62.7 million internet searches for “Get Healthy” resolutions in 2017 — more than a 13% increase from last year. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with your consumers while they are working toward a personal and relevant goal. Don’t just sit there; hit gym-goers with the best programmatic media mix. Contact us to get started on your programmatic audio and video planning today!