Viewability Advertising Rules Hard to Remember? Try This Song!

It should have come as no surprise when during a weekly department update meeting about new perspectives on ad viewability, one of our digital media trading experts broke out her guitar and sang a viewability advertising parameters song. After all, advertising and marketing firms can be some of the most creative spaces in the world. We even have a department at Goodway Group called “Creative Services.” Initially catching the attention of all on the call by strumming the popular intro to Green Day’s 1997 hit Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), digital media trader Kelsey Shaw began, “Another user’s on, so let’s display our ads,” and everyone was hooked! Marrying the music with ad tech lyrics, Kelsey translated viewability advertising rules into a language that listeners could understand and enjoy. If you’re looking for a quick highlight of viewability advertising guidelines (or if you just want a fun, productive flashback to the ’90s), check out the full YouTube video below: “I Hope You Had a Viewable Ad” By Kelsey Shaw