Your Campaign Was A Success! But How?

By: Jonathan Pinkerton, Client Services at Goodway Group As a member of a client services department within Goodway Group, our job is to ensure that client’s campaign is set up for success and hits its goals. We work in tandem with our sales team and directly with our clients so that no question goes unanswered and a campaign hits its fullest potential. The bread and butter of our role is reporting out a campaign’s success. Every report will include the basic metrics, such as impressions served, click-thru rate and Effective Cost per Action, but different campaigns have different successes. An auto campaign’s KPI may be completely different from a State Lottery’s KPI. As part of client services, it’s our job to identify the goal for each campaign and provide the best metrics possible to tell that story. We have a robust reporting library that allows us to highlight many different aspects of a campaign, including:

  • Activities – how many post-click and post-impressions were generated from the campaign?
  • Ad Sizes – did the 728×90 perform better than the 300×250?
  • Audience Composition – what was the male/female breakout? Age range? Household income?
  • Creative – did creative set #2 have a higher click-thru rate than creative set #1?
  • Heat Maps with Zip Code – which zip code had the highest conversion rate?
  • Markets – how did DMA perform versus another?
  • Pre-Roll – how many people viewed the entire video? Many people viewed half the video?
  • Tactics – did mobile targeting outperform domain retargeting?
  • Time/Day – which date of the week or time of the day was the most effective

Reporting is something that is customizable to the client and it’s our job to help identify what makes a campaign a success. Depending on the size of the campaign, we can even set up an online reporting dashboard so a client can pull up-to-date metrics before going into a meeting or closing out for the weekend. It’s our job to make you a hero and a hero can’t save the world without the proper tools!