Goodway Delivers Dynamic Creative 5x Faster for Auto OEMs

Using the Innovid dynamic creative optimization (DCO) platform, Goodway designs, optimizes and delivers powerful digital media campaigns for leading Tier II automotive OEMs, enabling them to reach audiences with omnichannel interactive experiences across the funnel.

Car manufacturing
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    Goodway works with several automotive OEMs as a trusted multi-location partner, executing LMA advertising efforts at the regional and local levels. Our in-house creative services team creates dynamic creative assets at scale unique to each dealership in various formats from display to CTV ads with OfferIQ®, our custom video creative overlay. Goodway previously leveraged a different DCO platform but wanted to find another solution to increase operational efficiency and boost the creative performance of the ads for our clients.

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    After evaluating several DCO platforms, Goodway ultimately selected Innovid as our new platform for several reasons. Innovid allowed Goodway to use the platform in a purely self-service fashion, providing more room for customization. Additionally, the platform interface allowed for a more structured and condensed setup and management of campaigns.

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    With Goodway’s internal expertise and the Innovid platform, the automotive OEMs can rest assured that their robust advertising campaigns are reaching their desired goals and then some. Using Innovid helped our team to bring more operational efficiency to the campaigns and increase the speed to market for our ads. Notably, the creative versions of ads render up to 5x faster during peak demand times — a necessity since offers change so quickly in the automotive industry, and getting offers into market quickly is vital for success.

  • The Innovid platform and our creative services know-how are the perfect power duo — we can drive better and faster results for our auto OEM clients in highly competitive markets.

    Chris PalantinoAssociate Media Director, Goodway

    Key Outcomes

    Leveraging the Innovid DCO platform, Goodway’s expert creative services team achieved notable results.

    Conversion lift icon


    faster average rendering time for creative versions

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    customized creative ads served per year to OEMs nationwide

    Looking for a powerful advertising partner for your next auto campaign?

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    Case Study
    Amplifying Conversion Rates With Audio

    Powerful lift study shows audio amplifies conversion rates up to 282%.

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    It’s a Unique Time for the Auto Industry — and It Calls for Better Marketing

    Discover why smart data-driven marketing is crucial to address consumer concerns and drive sales in an era of economic pressures and EV growth.

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    OfferIQ®: The Missing Link to Supercharge Automotive Video Marketing Success

    Learn more about OfferIQ®, Goodway’s video solution for automotive companies, and how it improves your video advertising message, duration, and impact.

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